Working to
make everyday life healthy,
by design.
We help companies own their outcome.
Building H is a nonprofit research group dedicated to changing the product environment so that it creates health, not disease.
We believe that everyday life - the food we eat, the entertainment we consume, the transportation we use, the communities we live in - should make it easier to be healthy, not harder.
We believe that all companies should account for and be accountable for how their products impact human health.
We measure the impacts of products, services, and companies on the health of consumers.
Our work.
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There’s been a recent spate of commentaries arguing that we’re on the verge of artificial general intelligence (AGI, in the current jargon). New York Times tech reporter Kevin Roose wrote recently, in his piece Powerful A.I. Is Coming. We’re Not Ready: “I believe that very soon — probably in 2026 or 2027, but possibly as soon as this year — one or more A.I. companies will claim they’ve created an artificial general intelligence, or A.G.I., which is usually defined as something like “a general-purpose A.I. system that can do almost all cognitive tasks a human can do."