

In addition to the Building H Index, we’re working on other projects advance the vision of health in everyday life.


Survey Research

In order to understand how the product environment influences people’s health behavior, we’ve conducted a series of consumer surveys that look at usage patterns — and associated health behaviors — of social media, video streaming, delivery apps, ride-hailing services, video games and more.


Speculative Design

What if the products and services of everyday life made it easier — not harder — to be healthy. We’ve worked with teams of design students to come with speculative designs for healthy versions of online grocery shopping, mobility services, smartphone operating systems and more.


Design Principles

We want to hold companies accountable for their impact, but we also want to help them do better. To that end, we developed a set of Healthy Design Principles — heuristics that can be used by designers, developers, and product managers as they design products and services, with the goal of helping them factor in the net health impact on their users and customers.