Introducing deliz, a Speculative Design for a Service for Cooking Healthy Dinners

We’re excited to share the results of a speculative design project we supported with students from the University of Washington’s Human-Centered Design and Engineering department. Aichen Sun, Eeshani Mondal, Elen Liu and Samrudha Malandkar have created deliz, a speculative design for a service that makes it easy and fun for people to cook at home. 

We gave the team this challenge because of our focus on building health into everyday life – and cooking dinner at home can bring multiple health benefits: better nutrition (less processed food) and portion control; more physical activity; and if done with others, more social interaction – as compared with the alternatives. And the long-term trend in the US is that people are cooking less and less. 

So after doing some user research, the team came up with a design for deliz, which integrates a lot of existing service capabilities into an overall service that helps with meal planning, ingredient acquisition, the actual cooking steps, and even some social fun. Check out the product demo, the design artifacts and the excellent research they did to arrive at a solution. 

Steve Downs